Annual General Meeting: April 1st


The Vancouver Branch of the UN Association in Canada (UNAC-V) welcomes all local members to attend the Annual General Meeting taking place Monday, April 1st from 7pm until 8pm with refreshments at 6:45pm. The meeting will convene in the office space of Lululemon’s Vancouver headquarters located at 1818 Cornwall Avenue, Vancouver. Please RSVP to [email protected]

The UN Sustainable Development Goals provide the framework for the continued work we do in the areas of gender equality, peacekeeping, development, poverty reduction, and reducing inequalities to name a few. We would like to share with you these successes as well as the challenges we face moving forward.

We believe that the work of UNAC-V is very important: ensuring Canadians understand and support the goals and ideals of the United Nations.

The UN Association in Canada, Vancouver Branch, is a volunteer-run organization. All membership fees and donations go towards the hosting of public events and advocacy work. We welcome you to join our organization as a member; to become a member visit the website of our national organization and be sure to indicate under messages that you are joining the Vancouver Branch.